CPE-POWERENG is a flagship conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. It is devoted to the dissemination of new ideas, research and work in progress within the fields of power electronics, renewable energy integration, power generation, transmission and distribution, power systems, electro-mechanical energy conversion, automation and EMC/EMI issues. The objectives of the conference are to provide high quality research and professional interactions between industry and academia for the advancement of science, technology and fellowship. The main features of the conference include Invited Talks, Regular Sessions, Special Sessions.
Prospective authors are invited to electronically submit full papers in English, 4-6 pages, in pdf format following instructions on the website. The conference proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library®.
The top 10% of papers (as per the review score) of CPE-POWERENG conference papers will be invited to submit the revised versions as post-conference papers for further review and possible publication in the IEEE-IES Journals.
Technical Tracks
• Power generation, transmission and distribution
• Power electronics and applications
• Smart grids technologies and applications
• Renewable energies
• Energy storage technologies
• Distributed power generation systems
• Communication, security and smart metering
• Electrical machines and adjustable speed drives
• Transport electrification
• Electric mobility
• Energy market
• EMI and EMC issues
Special Sessions
The conference will include special sessions on highly specialized topic areas, reporting technical trends and breakthroughs within the scope of the conference. Special Sessions are organized at the initiative of one or more individuals, who must adhere to specific procedures published on the conference website.
Student & Young Professional Activities:
The S&YP Activities enables engineering students and young professionals to present their R&D work in Industrial Electronics, and to help them develop networking connections. IES S&YP can take part in a competition for the IES-S&YP Paper Assistance during submission process. For more details, please visit IES electronics channels.
Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers to https://confcomm.ieee-ies.org/app/general/conferences/CPE-POWERENG25/initial-submission. Accepted, registered, and presented papers will be IEEE copyrighted and published in the conference proceedings. For the accepted paper to be included in IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, all of the following requirements must be satisfied: 1) Appropriate publication materials: final paper and transfer of copyright to IEEE must be submitted. 2) At least one full registration should be paid. 3) Papers must be presented at the conference.